FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

All photos and text including the contents of the frequently asked questions are protected by copyright.

You may not reprint these in any written form without the express written permission of the artist or in the case of text, the written permission of Gary Cole of Ruby Red Paint

If your question isn't answered here, e-mail us at gary@rubyredpaint.com

This is a growing list, first sort by area (painting, business building, product, learning, misc.) and then on your particular question. Just click on the question line and you will go to the FAQ.

General Questions

How do I contact your office in the United States? e-mail to admin@rubyredpaint.com  or 972-221-8665 phone, 972-221-8625 or 972-221-8625 fax
How to I contact the owner of ? gary@rubyredpaint.com 
How do I contact the RUBY RED PAINT accounting department? pam@rubyredpaint.com
How do I contact the art department at RUBY RED PAINT? matthew@rubyredpaint.com
If I have an idea that could sell whom would I contact to discuss this with? Gary Cole at gary@rubyredpaint.com
Who do I ask about photos I have entered into a contest but have not yet seen them posted? matthew@rubyredpaint.com
Where do I upload a photo for a contest? matthew@rubyredpaint.com  
Who do I go to concerning FAQs? gary@rubyredpaint.com    
What are the rules for buying wholesale? http://www.rubyredpaint.com/w.htm
What if I would like to open a wholesale drop ship account?
Can you learn about RUBY RED PAINT? www.rubyredpaint.com/about.htm

What are the guidelines to the discussion list for face painters? www.rubyredpaint.com/faq/faqlist.htm
Why are my e-mails not going directly to the discussion list? What is moderation? www.rubyredpaint.com/faq/faqmoderation.htm
Want to join the discussion list? see www.rubyredpaint.com/email.htm
Want to stop getting the discussion list e-mails? send an e-mail to facepainthq-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
To change your settings go to http://groups.google.com/group/facepainthq
How long does it take to ship UPS from Lewisville, Texas?

Face Painting - FAQ

I'm a beginner, can you tell me what I should do first? by Gary Cole
How do I get the free lectures provided by RUBY RED PAINT in North America?
How do I find other face painters in my area?
How do I get MY NAME LISTED as a face painter?  
What can I do about an aching back while face painting? by Cindee McCallister D.C.  & Robbie Pack
Print out a BOY practice sheet.
Print out a GIRL practice sheet.
What to do if I suspect an allergic reaction while face painting. by Gary Cole
Over 100 TIPS on how to build a face painting business.
Is there a list of face painting classes?
Sponging techniques in face painting by Helen Eyre.
What are the top 15 most requested faces? by Gary Cole
I'm just a beginner, can you give me the basics? or "The 10 Commandments of Face Painting" by Gary Cole
Where can I go to learn more or what are the best learning resources to learn how to face paint? by Gary Cole
Can you give me examples of how other people started their face painting business?
More how I got started stories.  
Where do I go to find Face Painting Classes?
How about self improvement as a face painter?
What are some tips to improve my speed?
Why aren't there more male face painters?
How do I get the children to sit still while I paint them? Is there a trick? Contributed by Stephanie Morgan
How do I paint a fine line like I see on the photo pages? Contributed by Gary Cole
Some ideas on crowd control when you are out face painting, by Mama Clown
Is it safe to use Acrylics or Tempra paints for Face Painting?
How do I sign up for the free e-mail "discussion list for Face Painters"?
How much should I charge when I am painting for money?
How can I stop the line/queue when I am ready to stop painting? by Gary Cole
How can I stop the line/queue when I am ready to stop painting? - continued by John Gordon
What can I do to bring some flair to my designs without costing much?
What about air brushing the face paints? What are the pros and cons to this? Contributed by Gary Cole  
Does the RUBY RED PAINT paint cover dark skinned children and how do I do this?
Are RUBY RED PAINT face paints safe? Can you tell me about product liability? Contributed by Gary Cole
How do I make special effects like cuts and bullet wounds using the RUBY RED PAINT special effects wax?
What are the ingredients for RUBY RED PAINT paints and what does the FDA say about face paints? Contributed Gary Cole
What happens to the paint when I paint in hot and humid areas? Contributed by Gary Cole
Are RUBY RED PAINT products hypoallergenic? and what does that really mean?
What is the best way to care for my brushes and sponges? Contributed by Gary Cole
 How do I keep my water from looking like a bad cup of coffee? Contributed by Gary Cole
How can I add gems, jewels or glitter gels to make my faces go from good faces to WOW faces?  
What do you do when you see head lice while you are face painting? by Gary Cole  
Is ALCOHOL an effective sanitizer? by Gary Cole
What about Face Painting and my nails? by Lacey Brushwood
Is there a trick to make the perfect and fast RAINBOW when face painting? by Heidi Firby
What are the most important Colors to have in my face painting kit? by Gary Cole
What are concerns about PAINTING SICK CHILDREN? by Louise Lear  
How to make your own 2ml Rainbow Cake by Gary Cole
Where do I find out about the RUBY RED PAINT SPORTS PAINTS?
What about areas of the world with very restrictive laws concerning face painting. Example Calgary, Alberta, Canada by Gary Cole
How to cut your own face painting stencils. by Donna Nowak
What to consider when preparing or attending a face painting class. by Gary Cole
What to include if you are teaching a beginner face painting class. by Gary Cole
Gary talks about setting the Guinness World speed face painting record in Scotland  
Do you want to carry your face paint supplies on your airlines flight? Read this first. by Gary Cole
How to treat and get the best from your models while Body Painting by Robbie Pack
As a conservative should I Body Paint? by Gary Cole
What is the best solution for a pop up tent?


Business Building or general business guidelines - FAQ

Can you give me a list of the BEST TIPS for face painters in building a business? Contributed by Gary Cole
Is it acceptable to ask for tips and what is the best approach? By Gary Cole
What to do when someone want you to work just for the exposure. by Gary Cole
My business is not growing. What can I do? by Gary Cole
What is the best way to work with an argumentative parent? by Gary Cole
How do I calculate how many face painters I should send to a festival? by Gary Cole
How do I come up with a fair plan to charge my customers taking into all consideration? by Gary Cole
What should one consider when they start to advertise? By Gary Cole
How to get organized with your bookings. This includes times, dates, marketing source and tracking your money. By Gary Cole
Things to consider in regards to your driving time to an event. by Gary Cole
Should I work overtime for free? by Gary Cole
In business, understand the value of Commitment. by Gary Cole
What is our business plan, how we started our business, helpful hints - from many different face painters from all over the world. 
When is it a good time to add more staff or form a partnership in a face painting business? by Gary Cole
Barter your way in to both free marketing as well as free movie tickets. by Gary Cole
FOUR simple Marketing tips - by Gary Cole
Can I link to the RUBY RED PAINT USA site?  
What is a good way to Market myself as a Professional Face Painter? Contributed by Pam Hasson |
Do you feel like your face painting business is in a slump? It it time to EVALUATE  it. by Gary Cole
Marketing, building your business and taking advantage of the concept of UPSIZE by Gary Cole
What is the best way for me to train a new painter? Contributed by Tom Engle
What is the best way for me to train a new painter? Contributed by Gary Cole
Can you give me some advice on paid advertising? by Gary Cole
I'm a professional clown. How can I incorporate face painting into my party? Contributed by Moogie the Clown
With business cards how can I put my best foot forward? Contributed by Deb Ling
What is a good idea on how to make face painting signs? Contributed by Tammy Cramer 
How I started and built a Face Painting Business. multiple writers
Can you give me an example for a contract for employees I have Face Painting?
Can you give me an example for a contract for my customers when I Face Paint?
Where is the contract to have Gary come and teach classes?  
How should I advise my staff about personal Safety? by Helen Eyre
When should one incorporate their face painting business? by Gary Cole
Can I link to the RUBY RED PAINT sight and generate leads for future business?
How can I make my charity work build my business MARKETING?
What to consider when you start to teach others how to face paint. by Gary Cole
How to make money as a face painter at FESTIVALS by Gary Cole
How do I get permission to use the PHOTO of a child for my personal or professional use?  
Some suggested sign suggestions by Marisa Garcia  
Do I need insurance coverage to be a professional face painter? Contributed by Gary Cole
What about copyright laws when I am face painting? Contributed by Gary Cole
What do I do if someone copies MY PHOTO to another web site? by Gary Cole
Tips for writing copy/text for your brochures, business cards or web site. By Carol Ong
How does one start a face painting business?
More on how I started a face painting business
Examples of a Model Release by Shannon Fennell and Sherri
Face painting on Sunday. by Gary Cole
Risk assessment forms. by Julz and Anne Ardern
How to run a successful Face Painting Contest by Gary Cole  
Working with line managers by Ruth Casey



Is it safe to use Acrylic or Tempra paints for Face Painting?
What FACE PAINTING STAMPS are available?
Are RUBY RED PAINT face paints safe? Can you tell me about product liability? Contributed by Gary Cole
What are the ingredients for RUBY RED PAINT paints and what does the FDA say about face paints? Contributed Gary Cole
What about the STAINING of some face paints on the skin? by Gary Cole
What can I do about face painting stains in clothing? by Gary Cole
I don't know what kit to buy, can you help me select? http://www.rubyredpaint.com/buy.htm
Can you tell me about your entire product line? http://www.rubyredpaint.com/products.htm
Can you tell me more about your volume or kits for fund raising? http://www.rubyredpaint.com/volume.htm
What about the paints in the heat? How are they affected?
What happens to the paint when I paint in hot and humid areas? Contributed by Gary Cole
What is the shelf life of RUBY RED PAINT face paints
Are RUBY RED PAINT products hypoallergenic? and what does that really mean?
What about RUBY RED PAINT and the Child Toy Safety Rating by Gary Cole
Tell me about the RUBY RED PAINT professional BRUSHES 
Why are the RUBY RED PAINT colors different in product consistency? by Gary Cole
What is the health concern of aluminum in cosmetics?  
Preservatives and safety with RUBY RED PAINT face paints by Gary Cole
Some face paints say "do not use red around the eyes". What is RUBY RED PAINT's guidelines? by Gary Cole
Is there a printable retail price list?  
If you want a wholesale brochure read the guidelines at www.rubyredpaint.com/w.htm and request it from gary@rubyredpaint.com


Miscellaneous - FAQ

What are the guidelines for the discussion list for face painters?
How do I join the discussion list for face painters?
How do I claim a prize if I won in a face painting contest?
How do I remove my name from the discussion list?

What can I do to take care of my brushes or fix brush related problems? by Gary Cole
What is the process in getting one's photos posted to the RUBY RED PAINT contests? by Gary Cole
Technical support for the Google discussion list for face painters
How do I switch from a regular member from the list to the digest version or change my e-mail settings for the discussion list?
by Anne Ardern
What are the guidelines for submission of photos to the photo pages?
What is the story on the "discussion list for face painters"? Can you tell me more?
What are the guidelines for sending in a photo to one of the photo contests? How do I do this?
Why can't I submit my body painting photos? and what is PG-13?
Why is there a $5 Charge to the RUBY RED PAINT so-called "free listing"?
What can I do to keep from getting a Computer Virus?  
How did Gary Cole the owner of RUBY RED PAINT USA get involved in Face Painting?
What are the FDA guidelines on face paints? also see www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm  
How do I search the discussion list archives? by Cindy Trusty
How do I shrink my photos? by Jean, Lisa and Gary

I'm not very artistic, can I face paint?

Of course you can. Face painting is surprisingly easy. Anyone can create a professional looking face with little practice. Most faces that you will paint will take less than 5 minutes. Of course there are some tricks to the trade 1) start off with good products to paint with 2) use good tools like face painting sponges and brushes 3) when using a sponge use as little water as possible 4) apply the product like shoe polish to get basic coverage and then dab your sponge to get the color uniform 5) paint light color first and 6) practice. Check out our "10 Commandments to Face Painting by clicking here".

How do I start face painting?

To create the sort of faces you see on these pages, you need to begin by obtaining some water make-up. This is the sort of face paint that professionals use. Our paint is water make-up. If you don't want to buy huge amounts of single colors, start with one of the RUBY RED PAINT face painting kits. You could also get hold of a face painting book. RUBY RED PAINT books can be ordered from us or bookshops and provide step-by-step instructions.

The best way to join in this art is to jump in and try it out. Buy some safe products that fit in your budget. See http://www.rubyredpaint.com/products.htm for the selection. You can start out with as little as $14.99 (the rainbow pallet) to the larger kits. Join the discussion list by sending an e-mail to join-facepaint@email.sparklist.com join in the photo contests. You will learn a great deal and they are free.

Also visit these very helpful links... 

see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/email.htm to sign up for the face painter's discussion list
see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/learn.htm learn step by step instructions
see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/products.htm to see the product line
see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/w.htm for guidelines for wholesale purchasing
see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/10.htm for the ten commandments of face painting
see http://www.rubyredpaint.com/photos.htm for hundreds of photos on face painting

Isn't it very expensive?

If you buy eight 75ml pots and only intend to paint at a children's party for about 10 people, then it could be expensive. But it would be silly to do that because our face painting kits are the cheap way to buy a small amount of a selection of colors. Even when buying retail you can paint a full face for less than $.05 US each.

How safe are the face paints?

They are as safe as any other cosmetic product you use. All our products are formulated using cosmetically approved ingredients. That means that all the ingredients we use are widely recognized as safe for use in cosmetics and toiletries. The paints conform to the USA's FDA approval system and the European Cosmetic Product (Safety) Regulations. Our products are also tested to meet European the Toy Safety regulations (EN71). All cosmetics can, on rare occasions, cause allergic reactions and the product should not be applied in the immediate eye area nor to sensitive or broken skin. If you are unsure about sensitivity, a patch test is advised. Apply the product to the inside of the elbow. If a reaction occurs within 60 minutes, do not use. See also http://www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm

Do RUBY RED PAINT face paints contain gluten,  Lanolin, parabens, fragrance, nut oil or nut products?

No. Some people are allergic to nuts, nut oils and gluten products and need to check products carefully. There are none of those in the ingredients and you can find a full list of ingredients at the bottom of www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm

Are the products tested on animals?

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Text and photographic images © RUBY RED PAINT