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How do I start marketing my Face Painting Business? Contributed
by Pam Hasson
Marketing and Establishing a Face
Painting Business
The first step towards
establishing a face painting business is investing in the proper equipment. This will
separate you, a professional, from the day-care providers, moms and dads who
volunteer their face painting services.
The proper equipment consists
of the following, but is not limited to:
Face paints - Professional,
non-toxic, FDA approved.
Brushes - This is the second most important to paints, dont skimp here!
Tote - This must fit all (or nearly all) of your gear, look professional, and you should
be able to carry it fairly easily.
Samples - Whether you have photos in a photo album, or hand-drawn on a chart, or in my
case, hand drawn & laminated, this is helpful in the
beginning to limit requests to only what
you can draw.
A Booth - This is necessary for those who want to market to the pay as you go venues. It
is not necessary for those wishing to be hired on an
hourly basis. Your booth can range from
something as simple as a table, umbrella and chairs to an EZ-Up or some other form of a
canopy. A sign is vitally important for
those working fairs and festivals.
Water supply and cups - Many face painters find it convenient to carry a jug of water.
Cups are also needed - plastic, paper, whatever you prefer.
Miscellaneous - Table, Chairs, Lights - these are sundry items that may be needed from
time to time.
After equipment, you should
invest in some marketing literature. Business cards, colorful and fun is a prerequisite,
(in this techno age, you can print these up on your computer!) and
perhaps a small brochure would be useful. When starting out, your brochure can be an 8-1/2
x 11 sheet that details your services, prices, phone number and
maybe some photo samples of your face painting. It is great for mailing to prospective
Now, on to the tough stuff -
Marketing. This is not an easy thing for many people. First, it requires time. Second, it
requires money. And third, it requires a positive attitude. Here
are several ideas to pursue, ranging in order of least expensive to more expensive.
Remember, start little and as you grow, you can consider taking
bigger steps. Also, you cannot pay for better
advertising than WORD OF MOUTH.
Introducing yourself to local
party planning agencies - If you dont really want to book out your own jobs,
schedule an appointment with the
party planners and entertainment agencies
in your area. Introduce yourself, show them your samples, paint some faces and let them
know you are available for booking. They
will take a commission, but they will also do all the leg work getting the work.
School Fairs, Church Bazaars,
Festivals - These are all places that you can start face painting for little or no cost.
Volunteering at school and church
functions is one way to start. Or, pay a fee for a booth at the school fair or local
festival and charge per face. Remember, take your
business cards with you. It will help
sharpen your skills, and get your name advertised and seen.
Advertising - Place an ad in a
local paper. We have parenting magazines and such in our area that have worked out great.
They have special
sections for
party entertainment in them. This will reach the birthday party crowd, and also parents
planning school functions, block
parties, etc.
Remember to keep track of who calls and what bookings you receive from your ad -
this will establish the worth of your ad.
One booking a
month should cover the cost of the ad.
Following these steps should
get you started down the road to a growing business. Its fun, sometimes frustrating,
but very rewarding to watch the fruits of
your efforts. As you see the growth make note of those things that work the most. Your
marketing dollars and time should AT
LEAST pay for themselves with money
making opportunities. Good luck!
If you want to join the
world's largest e-mail discussion list for face painters then enter your e-mail
address in the box to the left. Get connected to beginner and professional face
painters from all around the world. Ask literally any face painting question you
want and get real answers to help you progress as a face painter. It is free and
you will receive tips on how to paint a particular face, how to stop the line
when its time to go home or how to build a successful face painting business.
Share your photos with others or if you have a need ask for help and the
painters will e-mail you a face painting idea for your upcoming event.
Contact us at snazaroo@mindspring.com
Text and photographic images © Snazaroo