What should be included in teaching a
beginner face painting class?
by Gary Cole
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Often people ask... "I am going to be teaching a beginner face painting class. What are the essentials I should cover?"
Here are my suggestions...
I think you need 2 hours.
1) Take 15 minutes and cover safety issues. The obvious is to only use FDA compliant paints that are cosmetic grade. Cover all the no no's. Talk about your favorite brand(s). Refer them to www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm For much more detailed information.
2) Take 15 minutes and cover the tools they need in terms of brushes and sponges. Cover how to clean them and what quality they should buy.
3) Take 10 minutes to cover basic sponging on how to do a good base with blending. You might cover the different types of sponges like small pore versus a stipple sponge.
4) Take 15 minutes and cover the different brushes and how and why you should use a medium round versus a large flat. Discuss wet blending with a brush versus dry blending using a brush to blend.
5) The rest of the time focus on step by step of the top full face designs. The top faces will be different for most of us but I generally cover cat, dog, princess mask, butterfly, Spiderman, flowers and skull.
Must have handouts...
1) A print out of the faces THAT YOU PAINTED and in the style you taught in the class.
2) A printout of all of you favorite internet face painting resources.
3) The Ruby Red Paint top 42 faces as found at www.rubyredpaint.com/PDF/handout.pdf
4) The basics printed from www.rubyredpaint.com/PDF/handout-text.pdf Or your version of this.
5) Product brochures on face paint products from your favorite brand(s) along with local or internet supplies WITH PRICE SHEETS. Most suppliers will GIVE these to you for FREE.
If they have even the smallest kit they will take what you taught and run with it.
In Ruby Red Paint's case... IF WE KNOW YOU ARE TEACHING A CLASS and YOU MAKE A MINIMUM PURCHASE we will allow you to buy the 3, 6 or 8 color kits at a discount. You sell the at or near full retail and you make a little money and they instantly get safe products rather then cheap made in Taiwan paints. I suggest the small "Rainbow Pallet" since it also comes with a 20 page guide, a brush and a sponge. Suggested retail $15.00 well within most people's budget. If you prefer a different brand, well figure out something you feel appropriate as a starter kit.
If you send them home with no tools their interest might fade. If you send them home excited and with a kit then they paint the kids in the neighborhood and put what you taught them.
Do not worry that you are breeding competition. You know their is a whole different skill needed to build a face painting business. Take your business cards as they will hire you for events as you have the skills and more importantly the SPEED needed. I would not discuss ANY tips on the money you can make face painting if you fear them as competition. Approach it as though they are painting for free at their church or school.
If you are doing hands on, then that is a totally different process to be discussed in a different faq.
I hope that helps.
Gary Cole