"Not to be used around the eyes"?
by Gary Cole


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A common question consumers have revolves around some inconsistency in regards to the standard printing packaging warnings. This FAQ is written to address this concern. Ruby Red Paints are marketed to mass market, art and craft stores and the like. 

You will find on most packaging of face paints very clear warnings in regards to the use of certain colors. Typically you will find "do not use red, yellow, orange or purple near the eyes and do not use blue, green or purple near the lips". In the case of all colors of Ruby Red Paints distributed from Ruby Red Paints USA Inc. you will not see this warning because it is not required because of two factors... 1) we use only the highest grade of cosmetic pigments (from American sources) and 2) the levels of these colors in our formulation fall well below the need to print an additional cosmetic warning. The bottom line is the warning is not required by the FDA (food and drug administration). The inconsistency is confusing because seemingly the same products have different printing. Specifically, kits assembled in the USA do not have the additional warning since it is not needed nor required. The bottom line is you can use all 100+ Ruby Red Paints colors anywhere on the body, even around the eyes or mouth. We do suggest you do not use the face paints on the fleshy part of the eye but this is typically the wet surface of the eyelids and one would not expect to put face paints there. We do suggest the products not be used on children under the age of three unless supervised by a parent simply because the smaller paint disks can cause a choking hazard. Painting young children under three is perfectly safe.

BE WARNED that the above does not apply to all brands. Most of the face paints on the market are not using the safer, more expensive cosmetic pigments Ruby Red Paints uses. All of the ingredients and packaging used for Ruby Red Paints come from American sources. You need to check with the other brands for specific guidelines in regards to painting around the eye or mouth. Many of these other brands have very high allergic reaction rates as compared to Ruby Red Paints and this is heightened when used around the eyes. As one example... the Rose Art brand was recalled for having a 28% allergic reaction rate and they were technically FDA compliant in their ingredients. As the saying goes "you get what you pay for". One should be very cautious about brands that are low cost, manufactured in areas like China or Taiwan and general common sense should be used for any product used directly on the skin and specifically used near the eyes. Keep in mind if you can purchase 8 colors for $1.99 there is a reason for it and buyer beware. It is common place to go into leading art supply, party supply or big box stores and read some pretty sketchy warnings. Recently I went to the largest party store in our area and on the back of the package containing eight colors it said boldly "Do not use red, orange, purple near the eyes, do not use blue green or purple near the lips, Do not use on children under the age of eight, do not use for prolonged periods of time and do not wear near clothing. So in other words unless you are painting a black and white face, on an adult, with no cloths, you should not use the product. Why do consumers buy such products and why would a store carry such a product in their stores? When you buy Ruby Red Paints you can use it anywhere on the face or bodyon any age person. Understand you are getting the world's safest brand. Read more on this at www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm  Do your research and focus on safety first.

Ruby Red Paints prides itself on its claim of being "the World's Safest and Easiest to use Face Paint". Read more about Ruby Red Paints and its safety at www.rubyredpaint.com/safety.htm

Gary Cole


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