What are the guidelines for the FPHQ list?

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Last updated May 2010

The discussion list for face painters has been around since 1994 and has proven to be a great resource for face painters all over the world. The focus should be face painting or topics directly related to entertainment services. Its title “The Discussion List for Face Painters Beginning to Professional to Discuss the Art and Craft of Face Painting” should be your focus as you participate. You may come or go on the list as you desire  but one of the firm requirements is that you follow the list rules. Bottom line is, the rules are to keep you focused on face painting, maximizing the download time of members and keeping people playing nicely. We have three moderators to keep members on track with the list focus and rules. Any issues you might have can be diverted to them. The moderators can be reached at anne.ardern@ntlworld.com cindy@cindy@cindyscc.com or garycole@mindspring.com . You will find some topics of no interest at all. Use the delete key rather than complain. Failure to follow the list rules will get your messages moderated or have you dropped from the list. We have TRIED to make the list rules as short as possible and yet still cover all topics that needed to be covered. PLEASE READ THEM. Enjoy!

Gary Cole, list founder and owner

1..  Stay on topic - this forum is intended for the discussion of face painting topics, or running a face painting business.  Unrelated topics are discouraged.   Forwards, chain letters, virus warnings, recipes, patriotic, lost-child, political, "vote for me", religious emails and the like are not appropriate.  If you would like to ask advice on partially related topics such as cameras, tents, and such, ask that people contact you OFF-list with their responses, so as not to clutter the list with too many non-facepainting related posts.

 2.. One Liners - "One liners" are responses that consist of "me too", "I agree", "love it!" and other such quick comments.  These are great encouragement to the person they are addressed to, but little beneficial to anyone else, and they are to be sent directly (privately, off-list) to the person you are addressing, and NOT shared on-list.

 3.. No flaming - Speaking disrespectfully towards another person will not be tolerated.  Disagreements are inevitable, but all communication must be relayed as "constructive criticism", and there will be no personal attacks or insults, either on-list or off-list.  Reports of off-list attacks will result in the same consequences as if they had been given on-list.  Slander, malicious rumors, or sarcasm with intent to insult are all considered "flaming" on this list. Strong opinions are allowed but attack the issue or topic and NOT the individual. Focus on being positive or helpful. Often there are many approaches. What works in New York City might not work in rural towns in Australia..

4.  FPHQ is designed for face painters to share ideas and not meant to be commercial in its primary purpose. ALL BRANDS may be discussed (pro and con) these discussions should be made by list members and not those with ANY commercial ties to face painting brands (intended or otherwise). We do not want those list members, that have a commercial motive to use this list to overly promote their brand OR be negative toward other brands. We do allow free discussion about products and brands for those with no commercial interest. With that said, bashing of brands is not-allowed. We do not want those with a financial motive to bombard the list with offers or over commercialization of their products. With this said, all brands may utilize FPHQ to make a single monthly promotion that also allows a link to their ecommerce site for purchase. On that single promotion you may be more overt in promoting your brand or your specials for that month. This will allow FPHQ members to take advantage of promotions on this list. Those that abuse this right will be blocked from using it in the future.  If members ask questions about the promotion, you should respond to those questions off list.

5.. Replying to posts  - When replying to a post via email, you have two options.  You can choose to "reply" and your response will be sent directly to the person you are replying to.  Or, you can choose to "reply ALL" which will send your post to that person and also directly to the forum.  When responding to posts on the list, trim your emails down to include only the text which you are responding to. Do NOT include the entire previous email.   This "decluttering" is much appreciated by all. If you think your reply will benefit more than the one person, then by all means send it by way of reply-all. When you reply-all make sure you are adding value to the conversation. Friendly banter is allowed but more often than not this should be in a reply and not a reply-all.

6.. Keep subject lines current - if the topic of the thread has changed significantly, please update the subject line to show the new topic.  This is very important, especially to those who like to read only posts that relate specifically to a topic they are interested in.

7..  List rating - This list has a rating of PG-13. It should be child friendly. This means that ALL submissions, emails, graphics, photos, language, links, etc. must comply with a PG-13 rating, or better. Avoid sexual innuendo. Do not even send a link to another site which contains material rated above PG-13.  There are children on this list trying to learn to face paint, so we need to keep it family-friendly. Guidelines on “child safe material” is found at www.snazaroo.us/faqpg13.htm .

8.. Forwarding messages - It is against list rules to forward messages to the list from non-members, or members not currently in good standing.  If someone wants to share something with the list, and they are not a member, they must contact a moderator directly, at moderator@snazaroo.com . This includes the guideline, no cross-posting. Sending the same e-mail to multiple discussion lists is discouraged and can get you switched immediately to moderation.

9.. Stationary & Graphics - emails with graphics, animation, or music attached are discouraged. Avoid attachments larger than 7kb including lengthy signatures, business cards, icons or logos. These files are often large and can take a long time to load for those with slower connection speeds.

10.. Submissions - When you submit photos or posts to FPHQ or to the SNAZAROO photo pages or contests, you are giving permission for others to use your work or post for their personal benefit.  They may NOT use your submissions for any commercial gain (such as displaying your work on their website or passing it off as their own work either on-line or in real life). Read more on this at www.snazaroo.us/faqphotos.htm Photos and text are protected by copyright and we will protect our ownership of photos and text. The owner of the text or photo has the primary obligation to protect such.

11.. Price setting - Even the appearance of "price setting" is discouraged.  You may mention what YOU charge for face painting, but you may not imply that others in general should charge at least a certain amount.  More can be read at:  http://www.snazaroo.us/faqprices.htm .

12.. Photos  - One of the best things about this list is the great photos shared by other artists.  When sending photos, please be aware that we have size limits for graphics.  Your photos MUST NOT exceed 350kb in size for a single photo or 1000kb total per e-mail.  This is extremely important especially to those with slower internet connections. No inappropriate photos are allowed. No bare breast, rears, thongs, pasties, sexual or provocative poses allowed. Reduce your image size before sending to the list.  If you would like to post a photo to one of the competitions, please read the contest rules and follow the submission guidelines at www.snazaroo.us/upload.htm

13.. Posting job opportunities, items for sale and the like - You may post such opportunities if they are face painting or family entertainment related.  Your email must include if a job offer (the event venue, location, date, type of work needed, hours of work needed, what it pays, and other pertinent details) if an item is for sale (provide adequate description, price asked and all other details (for example who pays shipping, used or new etc.).  Have interested parties contact you OFF-LIST for further information.  NOTE:  If the event or item is different than described, you may be moderated or removed from the list for giving false information.  You may send a TOTAL of two emails on this subject - one to introduce it, and one follow-up if no one has responded and you still need workers. DO NOT SEND e-mails like "XYZ" is no longer available.  We discourage the resale of used face paints due to FDA guidelines. All such activities should be buyer beware and the buyer assumes ALL responsibility for acceptance.

14.. Classes, jams, guilds & conventions - Organizers of these types of events are welcomed and encouraged to send in a post inviting others to attend.  Please limit these "promotions" to twice per month per event. DO NOT send repeated messages like “3 open spots left for the class”.  You may mention times, dates, fees and other details. Please list instructors, locations and dates in the subject line.  Please ask that members contact you OFF-list for further information.  NOTE:  If the event is different than described, you may be moderated or removed from the list for giving false information. We encourage you to post such events for free on the classes page at www.snazaroo.us/hold/classes.htm We support face painting instruction regardless to brand association. All those that teach may utilize this list but do not post links to websites selling goods competing with the sponsor (SNAZAROO). You may post a maximum of two posts per month on any class, jam or the like. As a suggestion, submit a photo from a previous event to make your e-mail more interesting.

15… Buyer Beware – On this list you will hear comments on products, classes, conventions, instructors and the like. View them as marketing. In the end you need to do your research to make sure you will be getting your desired value. This list should not be used to bash products, suppliers, classes or the like. You may pass on your reviews of such but focus on positives and negatives and not character attacks.

16… Negativity – No one likes to hear constant nagging or complaining. Your comments should be primarily upbeat, encouraging and positive. If you have a complaint, offer a solution. You are entitled to your opinion or approach. Allow others to voice their opinion or approach. We ENCOURAGE diversity in opinions on face painting. The best solution to any post you do not like is the delete key. The fastest method to slow or stop a particular discussion is to not respond.

Views expressed in this forum are the personal opinions of the original posters, and in no way represent the views of SNAZAROO USA Inc. or Gary Cole. The only responsibility SNAZAROO  and Gary Cole has in regard to this list is to enforce its list rules.

It is the responsibility of each member to keep their computer free of viruses.  Members will be held responsible if they (knowingly or unknowingly) introduce infected content to the list.  The list owner cannot be held responsible for possible infected content on the list or website, so please proceed with caution.  See http://www.snazaroo.us/faqvirus.htm for more information on this.

Signed by Gary Cole, Anne Ardern and Cindy Trusty list moderators

Want to visit the archives?

If you want to find something that has been posted to the face painters discussion list in the past and you don't want to check through your files go to the archive section in the Google box that is at the top of this web page.  This will allow you to put in a key word like "insurance" in the search area, then push search and up will pop every previous e-mail that had "insurance" in it. Or if you want to look at every item in the last month (or what ever) you can view every old e-mail.

Digest Version

See www.snazaroo.us/faqdigest.htm

To remove your name from the list simply follow the instructions found at the bottom of each e-mail sent out from FPHQ. If you still can not get off the list send a request to garycole@mindspring.com

Further comments by Anne Ardern


I agree that sometimes people are too quick to jump down others throats, however as an old timer on the list I thought I would give you my class 101 on joining in.

1.Set up a folder on your inbox to deal with all the traffic you will receive from the list, download the F.A.Q. file from the Snaz site, and link it to that folder, then always refer to it before you ask the list,

2. Go to this link Browse Archives use the search facility and look to see if a topic has been covered in the past few months. (the film canisters thread was extensively covered a few months ago)

3. Send your question/ observation/ hot tip to the list. try and clearly pose the question, and "frame" the observation/ humor within inverted comma's. add smiley faces whatever, (humor/irony does not always cross continents)

4. If you receive any objectionable emails either on the list or privately forward them to Gary, who will deal with the offenders.

5. If you think the list has misunderstood you, reiterate the point you were trying to make clearly,

6. If you do not understand the answers to your question ask again, (many painters have sent me extensively detailed instructions and photo's to help me.)

7. Remember that everyone on this list is here because they want to learn, always remember that as a newbie you may have a tip or idea that none of us have thought of, a fresh approach to the work is always welcome.

8. As long as its to do with the face painting business its relevant to all of us, if you have tried a new product or have designed a table, we all want to know about it, this would also cover finding special offers in book shops, or an all day deodorant that really does work.

9. Let the list know about your other skills, are you a wiz at cutting stencils? a book keeper.? We painters like to keep it in the family and are always pleased to put a bit of business your way.

10. Share your disasters as well as you triumphs with the list, we can all learn a lot from each others mistakes.

I have enjoyed this list for a few years now and love to see the way that international face painting standards have risen as a direct result, I have made many new friends, gained hundreds of ideas, increased my workload through the contacts I have made, and love the professionalism of the site, every now and then a negative email will bring us all down, but 'what the Hey', the benefits far out way the negatives.

happy painting!!


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