What are the guidelines for claiming a prize?


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If you want to join the world's largest e-mail discussion list for face painters  then enter your e-mail address in the box to the left. Get connected to beginner and professional face painters from all around the world. Ask literally any face painting question you want and get real answers to help you progress as a face painter. It is free and you will receive tips on how to paint a particular face, how to stop the line when its time to go home or how to build a successful face painting business. Share your photos with others or if you have a need ask for help and the painters will e-mail you a face painting idea for your upcoming event.

The guidelines for claiming a prize in the SNAZAROO photo contests are as follows...

Once the votes are counted and the winners are posted to the appropriate photo page an e-mail will be sent out to all of those that are on the "discussion list for face painters" announcing "winners announced". Each specific contest will be announced in this way. WE DO NOT SEND INDIVIDUAL E-MAILS TO THE WINNERS. The winners then have 60 days to claim their prizes. This applies to all contests from the winning of a certificate to winning the grand prize in one of the larger contests. After 60 days your prizes are forfeited.  To claim a prize, send an e-mail to garycole@mindspring.com

In order to claim your prize you need to look on the particular web page and see what you actually won. Often you will get to choose what you want as your prize. For example you may have won $50 in SNAZAROO product. The prize amounts are posted in United States Dollars. If you are outside the USA you would need to convert this to your respective currency. You then must select your dollar amount from what is available in your country. In other words those in the USA would select $50 in product from products that are available from SNAZAROO USA Inc. If you are from the United Kingdom you would select the British equivalent of $50 from products that are available from SNAZAROO UK.

IMPORTANT: If you win a prize YOU MUST REQUEST FOR YOUR PRIZE goods that are available from the distributors in YOUR particular country. For example if you are in the USA you can  not select 30ml paints for your prize or if you are from the UK you can not select 28 unit pallets as your prize. This applies to other countries. Also keep in mind that SNAZAROO in the UK only participates in the Summer and Halloween free-for-all contests. All other prizes are specific to that contest and are not supported by SNAZAROO UK. This means the prizes are available from the USA but the individual is responsible for all shipping and duty.

You then send an e-mail to garycole@mindspring.com  You MUST INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING....

1) your name
2) your country
3) what contest you won a prize in
4) what place you won (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)
5) what you selected for your prize (if there is an option)
6) your full shipping address
7) If you are outside Canada, USA, UK you must tell us how you wish to pay for the shipping as shipping is paid only if you are from Canada, USA or the UK

Once you send your e-mail we  will verify your prize and arrange for your prizes to be shipped.

Gary Cole


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