What about skin tones and RUBYREDPAINT?
MAKE SURE YOU VISIT OUR SKIN-TONE PHOTO CONTEST which deals specifically with these issues at http://www.rubyredpaint.com/02/skin.htm

                                                                                                                                                 by Gary Cole



A common question asked to the discussion list is "I paint a lot of very dark skinned children. What do you suggest I do for better coverage?" I'd like to cover several issues that might help you. The first issue will help you in getting better coverage in using any color you want to use, the second will help you to use the complexion of the child to your advantage.

You might want to review "the ten commandments of face painting" found at http://www.rubyredpaint.com/10.htm but the key to the best coverage is when applying with a sponge, use as little water as possible. Even with white on a very dark complected child you can get good coverage. Just barely touch the edge of your face painting sponge in the water (do this quickly). Work the sponge (make sure you are using a sponge made for the use with face paints, we suggest the RUBYREDPAINT high density sponges) into the makeup. Apply it to the face like, shoe polish on your shoe, until the area is covered with color. At this point you probably will see some sponge streaks. Then pat the sponge on the painted surface and you will form a perfect smooth layer of color. If you see little dots, you probably used to much water. If you still see the skin through the paint you probably need to add just  a tad more paint or add more water to your sponge and reapply. There is a delicate balance which you will find, with a little bit of practice. If you are applying the paint with a brush on a dark skinned child, you might load up a bit more paint. Generally we say to add enough water to make the paint flow to your liking, but on a dark complected child, we suggest you add just a little bit more paint. Use these techniques and you will find you can get good coverage. MAKE SURE YOU VISIT OUR SKIN-TONE PHOTO CONTEST which deals specifically with these issues at http://www.rubyredpaint.com/02/skin.htm

You will notice that some colors give bolder coverage against any skin tone. Some colors like the sparkle and metallic colors have the tendency to be a little more translucent against very like skinned or very dark skinned tones. The boldest colors are white, black, blues, greens, reds, pinks and lilacs (when applied properly). Use these to your advantage. Don't be afraid to alter your "normal" face, to use alternate colors. You might find an even better face.

When working with children that have a wide range of skin tones, use this to your advantage. For example if you were painting a butterfly on a very fair complected (white) skin you might make the wings with bright pink and outline them with royal blue and make the body of the butterfly with black. On a very dark complected child, switch the wings to fuchsia pink and outline the wings with turquoise. On the butterfly body, you might still use black but slightly outline it or highlight it with a touch of white or turquoise. On both add a couple dots of glitter gel for extra glitz.

Practice with this and you will find you will have great results on any skin tone.

RUBYREDPAINT products available http://www.rubyredpaint.com/brochure
The 10 commandments of face painting   www.rubyredpaint.com/10.htm
Tips for face painters (well over 100)  www.rubyredpaint.com/tips.htm  

Check out the many FAQs (frequently asked questions) on the web for face painters. You might check out the drop down menu at www.rubyredpaint.com on FAQ's. 



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