Page 16 - brochure
P. 16

Saint Patrick                                 Tattoo 1                                 Tattoo 2

       ITEM: PALSSTPAT                           ITEM: PALSTAT1                           ITEM: PALSTAT2

     #540 #800              #550              #150 #100              #540              #250 #150              #650

             Tattoo 3                                Valentine                               Christmas

        ITEM: PALSTAT3                           ITEM: PALSVDAY                           ITEM: PALSXMAS

     #760 #210              #205              #210 #100              #250              #250 #100              #550


         ITEM: PALSZOO                        Buying Loose Stencils

                                                  We offer stencils with many, MANY

                                                 shapes & in several materials. These

                                             as well as our other mylar stencils can be

                                              bought loose or in a hanging cello bag.

                                                  We also can make custom stencils.

     #120 #650              #150

                                                  Great kits for the ‘Artistically Challenged’

                                                    More stencils can be seen on page 31                         16
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